Beer, wine, aperitifs, and other alcoholic drinks are still a matter of course at parties and receptions. Alcohol is therefore socially accepted. Partly because of this, more and more alcoholics are making the decision to stop drinking alcohol. But in some cases, the frequent use of alcohol leads to dependence and addiction. In recent years, more and more campaigns have been launched that point out the dangers of alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction.
Those who want to end their alcohol addiction are advised to take dietary supplements with vitamin B1. This is because, with chronic alcohol use, the body can experience difficulties in absorbing vitamin B1, which can lead to concentration problems and forgetfulness, among other things.
Quitting drinking alcohol: tips
The most effective tip a person can use to actually cut down and quit alcohol is the belief that he or she really wants to quit. There’s no point in just giving it a try: if you really want it, then you really have to step on it. For example, the belief that you want to quit alcohol can be that you want to spare your children the excesses of a drunk father, or that you have just crawled through the eye of the needle several times when you were drunk behind the wheel.
Drinking alcohol from a glass
drinking Alcohol sometimes has a tendency to put their lips on the bottle. Avoid this behavior and choose to drink your alcohol from a glass. Your amount of alcohol will be less and you will be able to reduce your amount of alcohol more easily this way, to eventually stop completely.
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“Dilute” with water drinking alcohol
Drinking water is a good way to “dilute” the volume of alcohol so that the alcohol can be better broken down by the body. Always order a glass of water at a restaurant that you put next to your glass of alcohol: you will also get a fuller feeling in your stomach so you will be less inclined to drink more alcohol.
No drinking alcohol in the house
First of all, make sure you don’t have alcohol in your house if you want to stop drinking. That way you at least shift the pressure off you a bit and you can gradually only decide to sip a glass on social occasions. After that, you can also start to reduce the alcoholic drinks there and refuse drinks more often.
Tasty alternatives
Besides alcohol, there are so many other drinks that are quite tasty. Think of the different types of fruit juices, various types of soft drinks or
energy drinks, etc… Change your drinking habits and replace beer, wine, or other alcoholic drinks with soft drinks, for example, although you also have to be careful not to take in too much sugar.
If you refuse a glass of alcohol, make it clear that you have stopped drinking. Your interlocutors will respect that and it will motivate you even more. It will be harder to relapse because you don’t want to lose face with the people you’ve communicated your goals too.
Living without alcohol: advantages
Of course, you will also have weak moments and you will want to let go. This should not make you despair because stopping any addiction is difficult. On the other hand, think of all the benefits of giving up drinking: financial benefits, health benefits, social benefits, etc… This can give you a lot of motivation and courage to cut down on alcohol and improve your health. eventually, stop alcohol addiction altogether.
Vitamin B1
Those who drink too much alcohol for years can face an additional problem. Alcohol affects the central nervous system and this can cause annoying problems in the long term. Your body can experience difficulties with alcohol addiction to absorb the much-needed vitamin B1. This can make it difficult for you to remember things, concentrate, or be alert. If you want to solve this problem, you can take additional dietary supplements with vitamin B1. Taking extra vitamin B1 is therefore useful advice in the whole process of alcohol withdrawal.