5 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Storage Room
The main component to organize a storage room is the desire you have to organize the storage room . Obviously you may never feel like doing it -and that’s why it’s the way it is-, but you should know that tidying up that storage room is a whole process and that it won’t tidy itself up, so pluck up your courage and get down to business!
1. Less Luggage, More Space In The Storage Room
We both know that not everything you store in the storage room is going to be used, neither today nor in the future. Watch what you store, if you can’t remember the last time you used that device, get rid of it.
Once you are clear about what is going and what is staying, separate it to prevent everything from returning to the shelf . This will give you more space for other useful objects that perhaps did not fit.
Have you ever bought something that you already had at home? By sifting you will remember everything you store in the storage room and it will help you keep in mind everything you have at the time you need it.
2. If You Don’T Want To Throw It Away, Use It
Okay, you admit you don’t use it. That is the first step and we congratulate you. The second is to get rid of the object, but you are not able to. Nothing happens!
If you’re not willing to get rid of an item, don’t keep it gathering dust . If it’s a picture frame, put a picture in it. If it’s a toolbox, get building. Is it something ornamental? Let’s decorate!
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Giving a purpose to the things you have is a great solution to free up your storage room.
Can’t use it and want to keep it? Create “the contingency box”. A box in which to store those few objects that you would not like or do not know whether to part with . This way you will have them removed from the rest of the useful things and you will leave more space. In addition, in your next cleaning you will realize if the articles that are in said box have been used or if, on the contrary, they are not useful to you.
3. Intelligent Space Distribution
Learning how to organize a storage room the right way is not as easy as it seems. Arrange as many shelves as you need on the walls . Metal shelves are robust and spacious, so they will allow you to place heavy objects without batting an eyelid. On the other hand, resin shelves are lighter, ideal for light objects. And if you prefer an organic look, you can opt for wooden shelves . What is convenient is that you choose some shelves of the right size to be able to take advantage of all the space you have.
It is also interesting that you locate a resin cabinet to put the objects that you want to preserve from dust.
Leave a central aisle that allows access to all corners of the storage room. It is common that some people decide to take advantage of literally all the space, but that means that you do not easily reach the furthest objects. Remember: entering and taking what you need must be fast and comfortable.
Promote speed and convenience by using clear plastic boxes instead of cardboard boxes. You will be able to see the objects contained in the boxes without having to open them.
Do you have small objects or with small parts? Use a storage tower to store them, being sure that they will not be lost .
4. Order According To Level Of Use
Especially in organizing furniture such as resin cabinets, when placing the objects you must take into account how much you are going to use them . Place what you are not going to use frequently in the rear spaces and reserve the front spaces for objects of habitual use .
To optimize your time, reserve the upper margin for lighter objects and keep the lower space for heavier objects , so you don’t have to do Olympic lifts every time you want to put the vacuum away.
5. Illuminate
You already knew that you would have to bring light to your storage room, but do you know what type of light and how much you need? You need the light to reach the entire room . Start with the ceiling light and continue installing lights in the places that are still dark.
In addition, illuminate with light in cold tones , this will help you perceive less clutter of objects and, therefore, will make you appreciate the space more and better .
Once Organized: Maintenance
- Label all the boxes .
- Put everything you use back in its place.
- Do not put new things in without first removing an object.
- Clean the storage room every time you clean the rest of the house.
- Check the save a couple of times a year.